
Independent Fabrication

Has been causing a stir in the cycle community with a move planned from MA to NH and core leaders/team moving on. Purely from a business stance the move makes perfect sense. From a brand stance time will tell.

The internet and frame builder community is buzzing about the move and the implications to the brand.

What struck a cord with me (business major) were these 2 snippets from the BRAIN article..

"IF has occupied the same space since ex-Fat City Cycle employees founded it in 1995."

"With IF turning its first-ever profit in 2010, and Smith’s additional investment, the move made sense now."

Ouch! 15 years to turn a profit..i'm going to take a guess and say no venture capital is involved with IF.

Good luck IF!

Soooo...do you still want to be a frame builder? What are your thoughts?

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